thermelchalk-smallTHERMEL CHALK
Gravity Thermelchalks are available in different temperature ratings and are systematically lined between 50 deg C to 600 deg C as per the requirement .These crayons are easy to use and are densely constructed for long lasting offering economical and accurate temperature readings.


Determining pre-heat & post heat temperatures during welding & annealing in metal fabrication. Measuring operating temperatures of electric components, heat transfer application, etc.

How it Works

Thermelchalks are surface temperature indicating crayons. Thermel chalks indicate surface temperature by changing from a chalk mark into a liquid smear.


± 1% Of Rated Temperatures.

Standard temperature ranges in deg C

50 60 70 75 80
100 120 125 150 175
180 200 225 250 275
300 350 400 450 500


One Cardbox Of 6 Crayons.

Click here for Enquiry